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Investment Management

Versidl Investment System (VIS)

Interactive Computing Services, Inc.

Versidl Investment System (VIS) is an investment package targeted at theinsurance industry. It accommodates the requirements of investors,accountants, and managers. For the accountant, a record of each securityis maintained by lot. This includes double-entry bookkeeping transactionsfor principal, accrued interest, dividends, accounts receivable, sells,cash receipts, mortgage service fees, and premium/discount amortization.The tax side calculates the year-to-date taxable income and gain/loss ondisposal. Detailed monthly reports, showing all accounting transactionsfor both statutory and tax, are available. For the analyst, theinformation can be consolidated, segmented, and regrouped to meetspecific needs. Various yields and duration calculations are available.The major advantage for the manager is the set of ad-hoc reportingcapabilities that permit the data to be viewed in exactly the way themanager needs.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3

Interactive Computing Services, Inc.
9600 W Jewell Ave Suite 8
Lakewood, CO 80232
Phone: (303) 986-2370
Fax: (303) 969-8068